The OSAM vineyard drum mower is perfect in areas where there are many obstacles or manuverability is limited.
Each mowing disc contains three cutting blades with springs. Both edges of the blades can cut. Thus, if one edge wears the other edge can be used as the discs ratates inversely. Cutting blades can be replaced by a special spanner without dismantling the disc.
Operating safety of the mower is provided by a safety system with spring thrust. There is also a safety spring clutch on the main shaft of the mower.
Technical data:
- Number of drums: 2
- Number of blades: 6
- Height: 970 mm
- Length: 1850mm
- Width: 900mm
- Weight: 320Kg
- Cutting width: 1650mm
- PTO revs: 540rpm
- Size tractor required: 40Hp